Release date announcement

Release date is set for March, 19!

Octohill Ski Tycoon is getting its full release on 19th of March. Save the date in your calendar!

If you want a sneak peek at what will be available there have a watch of the updated gameplay trailer. Diverse maps, top tier buildings and vehicles - it's all in there.

Does it mean the development is over?

It means everything that was scoped for the full release is complete now (yay) and is not going to change. However, the game might receive some free major updates in the future (based on new ideas that were brought by the players or appeared too late to be included in the original scope).

Thanks for all your support during the development!

Other updates

The demo and EA versions have been updated with several improvements, mostly quality of life features (new estimator tool to check the total elevation drop and possible trails between two tiles), some visual effects (more snow and animations) and building specific configurations (you can now set lifts to operate one way only when needed, or limit some operations ranges).

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